Tuesday, August 28, 2012

class talk (can you expalin a color to a blind person?)

Can you explain a color to a blind person? I don't believe it’s possible to. A color is only a sight, colors don't have a smell, taste, feel, or a sound it’s only a sight. Therefore it is impossible to explain unless the person had been able to see at one point in their life. a lot of people will say "you could let them taste a lemon or feel a yellow ball" but you’re not tasting the color yellow, your tasting something that is yellow, and you’re not feeling the color you feeling something that is yellow. This was a speech we had to write in public speaking class, but we never presented it


  1. What if you described the feelings it gave you?

  2. the feelings a color gives you is different for each person, like i like being around dark colors they make me feel comforted but another person might see darker colors as fear
